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Simrac rally simulator Evo I, The Simrac Micra
Evo 1 Evo 2 Evo 3 Simrac EVO4
  Simrac rally simulator Evo I, The Simrac Micra

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The first Simrac made rally simulator that was made of a real car. Donor car used was a crashed Nissan Micra aquired from Autovahinkokeskus Oy. It was then fully repaired and transformed for a new life as a simulator. With the input of Team Simrac´s new member, Mika Leppälahti, the Simrac Micra got a pneumatic motion platform that produced 30 cm up & down movement. Also the force feedback of the steering was made with pneumatics. Europress Rally Championship PC-game was used the software.

Being the first simulator made of a real car, we were a bit worried about weight and didn't fit the Simrac Micra with a roll-cage which later on proved to be a mistake. After about 500 hours of usage the body of the Simrac Micra gave in and was broken in half.